Sunny morning on the mtn, clouds came in for the afternoon, temps in the 30's and hardly any skiing. Still Kings landing, Hayburner, Tote Road, Sluice, Candyside and Upper Upper Gauge. conditions were mainly hard and fast, the groomers are doing an amazing job and the snowmakers are going back out tonight to make snow on Gondi Line, Gauge and the landing.
Still winter out there!
The past few days have been cold, temps in the teens in the morning, it may be April but spring temps have yet to arrive. Reggae is only a few days away, the crowds will be crazy but this week its quiet on the mtn. Conditions are still really good, hard and fast. the ungroomed is firm but still great. Still plenty of coverage. King Pine and Whiffletree are now closed mid week but will reopen on Friday for the weekend.
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